The following list is a series of threads wherein the community shares mods related to a specific topic.

I don't plan to use tones off mods, I only need to use better textures, and other stuff for the game to look better. I already have working Immersive Horses mod, that means I also have launcher, and some other thing, that also is needed for Immersive Horses. I remember I've also used some mod, that was changing shapes of some objects, like ropes, varius tiny stuff. I know I need some EBN (do I write it OK?) and some textures, I specially would like really epic looking water, cause water is for me the most important element in any game I play, water MUST look cool. And I want to use mod manager only, because years ago I've installed some mods manually, some with mods manager, it was obvious it will crash eventually. Now the only thing I want is to use some graphic mods, to make this game look OK again. The only thing is, that I don't much remember how to install mods to Skyrim, really, I did it once at the very beginning, and then I haven't touched it for 2-3 years. But I was going to reinstall Windows anyway, so I decided to make a fresh start with mods.

After one of such brakes with Skyrim, I found most of the mods are not working anymore! I don't know if steam did some update to the game, or maybe mod manager was updated.

I have strange habbit, of playing favorite games for let's say, a month, and then making brakes for some time, and again playing for some time.